Managed Services
With Managed Services, BCG allows you to focus on your business without worrying about the day to day operations of keeping your business growing. We accomplish this through proactive management, securing your Information technology networks and monitoring your systems and applications 24×7. Because of our investments in best in class tools we apply the principals of remote management, automation, centralization, and monitoring, to your environment and we are able to effectively and efficiently be a catalyst for optimizing your business. Through our technology Partners BCG is able to provide competitive solutions for Managed services.
Managed Services Features
Proactive Network Management
Remote monitoring and management of servers and devices (24×7)
Automated Scheduled maintenance
Security and risk management
Anti-virus management
Email Spam/Virus filtering
Windows/Software Patch management
Online/onsite backup for data integrity and business continuity
Emergency support (24 x 7)
Expert-on-demand access and remote management capabilities
Remote Support Included! (Unlimited REMOTE support included, onsite visits billed at normal hourly rate)
Benefits of Managed Services
Freedom to focus on your core business
Right sized pricing
Peace of Mind
Increased productivity
Reduced costs of managing IT infrastructure
Improved decision making through access to knowledgeable professionals
Lowered threat risk for data and network
Increased system uptime
Improved network performance
More reliable IT environment
Careful asset management
BCG's Managed Services Package
Our managed services package is our most popular offering. All managed services packages are remote support only. Onsite visits are billed separately
Base Package
Remote monitoring and maintenance
Basic Anti-virus/Anti-malware protection (Webroot AV software)
Basic Files and folder backup (up to 100GB)
- Backup overages are billed at $0.59 per GB
Scheduled Automated Maintenance
Windows Update Management
Premium Anti-Virus
Webroot for those who need basic antivirus/antimalware protection (included in base package)
ESET Protect is the middle product, offers greater protection than Webroot, but not as great as Bitdefender
Bitdefender for those customers that have more risk, and need extensive protection. Pricing varies based on
- Includes application whitelisting
- DNS protection
- Disk Encryption
- Exchange/Email Server Protection
- Advanced Threat security
Premium Business Continuity and Backup
Simple files/folders backup (included with base package)
- Takes a daily backup of only files and folders
- SQL Databases
- Exchange Databases
- Charged based on the number of GB backed up to cloud
- Included with managed services agreement up to 100GB
Acronis (premium)
-Takes a daily image backup of the entire system in question
-This can be deployed on a server and also on mission critical PCs
-Includes ransom ware protection
-In the event of complete PC failure, we would be able to restore the PC or server to working state on any PC to get you up running within an hour or two
Without this protection it would most likely take a day or more to get a PC back into the state it was in prior to the hardware failure.
- Pricing is based on system type and how many GB of data is backed up. Also, would depend on whether it was a local HD backup or backed up to cloud.
Axcient x360 backup (premium)
- Backup of entire system that is done hourly, gives you many options throughout the day.
- Direct to cloud backup, no local device is needed
- In the event of a disaster the PC or server can be “spun up” in the cloud to restore access to company files or PCs
- Unlimited storage in the cloud at flat rate price
- This can save you thousands of dollars in downtime and billable onsite time in the event of complete hardware failure.
Premium Email Security
Barracuda Email Gateway Defense
- EGD is a great solution for spam and virus protection in your email
- Includes inbound and outbound spam and virus scanning
- Multiple levels of protection
- Email quarantine
- End user is allowed to release their held messages from quarantine
- Email spooling in the event of server or cloud service outage
- Pricing is flat rate per user/per month

Ready to get an estimate?
Use our estimator tool to build your own managed services plan. As a reminder services required outside of this estimator tool will affect your final estimate. This tool is here to give an overall idea of what your monthly recurring costs would be for your company's managed services agreement.